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Please help! frustrated!
everything else like the power options settings is configured for better battery life and all that. Anyway ill try and install a 64bit os. Thanks a lot. appreciate the help!
There is no reason at all to run 32bit Windows on a new machine. But several good reasons to run 64bit Windows, like being able to use all your RAM. Plus you'll get a higher benchmark score.
To move to a 64bit O/S requires a complete re-install however.
everything else seems to be just fine since its a new system
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In the system properties its showing that its a 32-bit operating system. can i convert it to a 64-bit os ???
everything else seems to be just fine since its a new system. also the drives are quite empty and defragmented.
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Check you are running the 64bit software if you have a 64bit O/S.
Also check the power saving options in the Windows control panel and in BIOS.
Then work your way through this list of common reasons for bad performance.
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Please help! frustrated!
hey fellas i just got a brand new dell inspiron15r with Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-24010M CPU @2.30Ghz, 4gb ram, 640gb hdd and a 1gb nvidia graphic card.
the average baseline on the site shows 3000+ and my laptops performance test showed only 1060. I have no idea why is this so. and m actually a bit worried. Please help! Thank you!!Tags: None
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