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AMD FX 6300 - 1. Core does not working

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  • David (PassMark)
    You are asking a question about the Everest software. This isn't our software, and in fact was discontinued years ago in any case.

    If you want to see the CPU load, just use task manager, it is accurate.

    You could ask the developers Everest software why their software is reporting this, but I am sure they'll just tell you it is old redundant software.

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  • vaczi8
    started a topic AMD FX 6300 - 1. Core does not working

    AMD FX 6300 - 1. Core does not working

    Hey guys!
    First of all sorry for my awful english and grammar. I got an AMD FX 6300 processor for christmas but when i tested it the program said the 1. core does not working (0%). I thought it's just resource conservation. Yes, i have thought this for 2days but i saw this screen and i became really surprised: