Hello everyone! I had the unlucky experience of having my laptop go bad last night. Before everyone asks I tried everything and the CPU just went bad so its no good. I have a gig on Saturday so now I am in a rush to buy another laptop before then. I want to get a new Macbook BUT I use Traktor Pro and the S4 and according to several forums the current Macbooks and the S4 are not working together very well so I am going to wait until they get all those kinks fixed. In the meantime I need a laptop to get me through my upcoming gigs. I was using
HP G6-2238DX which had a AMD A8-4500 Quad core processor. It worked OK with Traktor about 80% of the time, but I still would get random Traktor crashes and pops and clicks in my sound unless I turned EVERYTHING off (Wi-Fi, DVD Drive, Etc.) I am currently looking at a Toshiba Satellite which has the Intel I3-3110M chip and 6gb OF RAM , but I noticed it was a dual core and not a quad. To get to the point. I checked http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_list.php and my old processor had a benchmark of 2695 while the Toshiba im looking at has a benchmark of 3075. Im not to versed on the current processor market, but I was wondering how the Intenl I3-3110M, according to benchmarks, is better than the AMD A8-4500 when the Intel is dual core and the AMD is quad core? Am I thinking too much into this? My budget is close to $500 so would the Toshiba be safe bet? Traktor is a tricky beast that I need to run without crashing so any and all help would be appreciated!
HP G6-2238DX which had a AMD A8-4500 Quad core processor. It worked OK with Traktor about 80% of the time, but I still would get random Traktor crashes and pops and clicks in my sound unless I turned EVERYTHING off (Wi-Fi, DVD Drive, Etc.) I am currently looking at a Toshiba Satellite which has the Intel I3-3110M chip and 6gb OF RAM , but I noticed it was a dual core and not a quad. To get to the point. I checked http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_list.php and my old processor had a benchmark of 2695 while the Toshiba im looking at has a benchmark of 3075. Im not to versed on the current processor market, but I was wondering how the Intenl I3-3110M, according to benchmarks, is better than the AMD A8-4500 when the Intel is dual core and the AMD is quad core? Am I thinking too much into this? My budget is close to $500 so would the Toshiba be safe bet? Traktor is a tricky beast that I need to run without crashing so any and all help would be appreciated!
