I am a little concered here, it all started when a buddy sent me his Baseline for comparison.
Just bought an Opteron 180 Dual Core CPU to replace my AMD 4000+ single core CPU. I did the bench mark and there was no change in speeds. I know they both have the same clock speed of 2.4ghz, but I thought dual core would make a difference in this test. Well to find out it does after my buddy sent me his Baseline of an AMD 3400+ Dual Core CPU that I can't even TOUCH. I even overclocked my Opty from 2.4ghz to 2.7 and still NOT EVEN CLOSE, and only a little higher then my old overclocked 4000+.
My CPU Mark is 554, thats with overclocking the fsb to 225.
I am showing 2 cores, I did install AMD's Dual Core optimizer and the AMD CPU drivers. Latest BIOS installed on my ASUS A8N32SLI-DELUXE motherboard. I always keep my PC up to date with the latest drivers.
Little help, did I forget to install something?
Just bought an Opteron 180 Dual Core CPU to replace my AMD 4000+ single core CPU. I did the bench mark and there was no change in speeds. I know they both have the same clock speed of 2.4ghz, but I thought dual core would make a difference in this test. Well to find out it does after my buddy sent me his Baseline of an AMD 3400+ Dual Core CPU that I can't even TOUCH. I even overclocked my Opty from 2.4ghz to 2.7 and still NOT EVEN CLOSE, and only a little higher then my old overclocked 4000+.
My CPU Mark is 554, thats with overclocking the fsb to 225.

I am showing 2 cores, I did install AMD's Dual Core optimizer and the AMD CPU drivers. Latest BIOS installed on my ASUS A8N32SLI-DELUXE motherboard. I always keep my PC up to date with the latest drivers.
Little help, did I forget to install something?
