hi i have a little problem. i have intel wireless wifi link 4965AGN card in my notebook. windows vista no servis pack and this is the message.
"Cannot find corresponding counter name for this network card!
wirwlwssmon wil continue to function but some statistic may be unavailable.
Windows xp/2k: this may mean the performance counters for you machine are disabled. Pleas check if the registry key
"hkey_local machine\software|microsoft windows nt\curent version\perflib\disable performance counters" exist, if so check it is set to 0 and reboot.
windows vista: pleas check Wirelessmon is running in elevated administrator mode by right clicking on the exe and choosing properties, clicking the compatibility tab and selecting the Run this program as administrator."
I see in my registry in vista that key is 0. I open this program as admin and i still can not see statistic in the IP connection, statistic and summary tab,speed and other tabs its still N/A. where is the problem ? sorry for my english
"Cannot find corresponding counter name for this network card!
wirwlwssmon wil continue to function but some statistic may be unavailable.
Windows xp/2k: this may mean the performance counters for you machine are disabled. Pleas check if the registry key
"hkey_local machine\software|microsoft windows nt\curent version\perflib\disable performance counters" exist, if so check it is set to 0 and reboot.
windows vista: pleas check Wirelessmon is running in elevated administrator mode by right clicking on the exe and choosing properties, clicking the compatibility tab and selecting the Run this program as administrator."
I see in my registry in vista that key is 0. I open this program as admin and i still can not see statistic in the IP connection, statistic and summary tab,speed and other tabs its still N/A. where is the problem ? sorry for my english
