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Sleeper V1.3 Build 1001

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  • Sleeper V1.3 Build 1001

    I have come across this software which i beleive it will help with my automating of my PC as a Personal Video Recorder (PVR) due to the wakeup in number of seconds feature.

    What i need to understand is the Command Line syntax as it does not seem to work e.g.

    "F:\C DRIVE\Download\_PassMark Sleeper\Sleeper.exe" sleeper –S3 –D 60

    or is it

    "F:\C DRIVE\Download\_PassMark Sleeper\Sleeper.exe" –S3 –D 60

    These two lines are taken from shortcut settings. Also when i add the same syntax to my VB6 programme e.g.
    strPVR = "F:\C DRIVE\Download\_PassMark Sleeper\Sleeper.exe sleeper –S3 –D 60"
    it still does not work.
    Am i doing something wrong???
    Many thanks

  • #2
    The command line for V1.3 is,

    sleeper.exe -S1 -D 30

    Which means to enter sleep state 1 for 30 seconds.

    but depending on what directory you are in and in you are using a DOS window of some programming language you might need to add inverted comma and a full path and further changes.

    For example,
    "C:\Program files\Sleeper\sleeper.exe" -S1 -D 30

    And in C++ programming,
    "\"C:\\Program files\\Sleeper\\sleeper.exe\" -S1 -D 30"

    We don't do any VB6 programming so we can't help you much in that regards.

    Also in V2 of Sleeper (coming soon) there will be additional command line parameters.



    • #3
      How many seconds is the maximum?

      Many thanks for your previous reply

      I tried to send a email to but it got returned back to me, unable to send???

      I am using your software to work with my Personal Video Software (PVR), the standby mode S3 by a number of seconds is exactly what I want. The difficulty I have is finding out what is the maximum number of seconds sleeper can except as the PC may need to be in standby mode for over 24 hours if I am away from home??

      Also are you planning to update sleeper? As the ability to run a programme once out of sleep mode would be ideal.

      Many thanks
      Mike Simmonds


      • #4
        The E-Mail support@ E-Mail address has been dropped. It was getting 200+ spam E-mails a day. The new E-mail address is help@

        Entering a 24hour time period should be no problem.

        V2.0 of sleeper is already available and we are planning some additional minor updates at the moment.

        We have made a note of your feature request.


